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Translation and Interpretation



In the field of Czech/Slovak - Japanese Translation and Interpretation, “cs-trans.biz” is one of the very few “reliable” translator-interpreters.  By the multi-lingual staff and through international cooperation with such experts as academicians, lawyers and/or technical consultants, “cs-trans.biz.” is providing quality translation even from/into such special languages.


Fee Schedule:

              English into Czech/Slovak ………. 0.30 USD per English word

 [minimum 30.00 USD or equivalent]

              English into Japanese    ……….. 0.20 USD per English word

 [minimum 25.00 USD or equivalent]

              Czech/Slovak into Japanese …….. 0.30 USD per Czech/Slovak word

[minimum 30.00 USD or equivalent]

              Japanese into Czech/Slovak ….. 0.15 USD per Japanese character

[minimum 30.00 USD or equivalent]

Japanese into English …………. 0.10 USD per Japanese character

[minimum 30.00 USD or equivalent]


For Interpretation Fees, or Russian or Chinese translation, please contact us.


àTranslation of Fund Prospectus, Offering Memorandum, etc.



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